Online Template Editor

  • Open the management console
  • Click on Playlists
  • Open a playlist
  • Click on a layer where you will add a template
  • If the layer has no media, the apps dialog will open. Otherwise, click on Add New
  • Click on Add from Templates
  • Click on a template category
  • Click on a template
  • To Edit the template, Click on Open Editor


Template Editor

Template Editor

  • Click on the text to select it
  • the top bar have the object controls



Template Settings

Border: click on the border color to open color chooser. Control the border size using the seek bar.

Transparency: control the transparency of the selected object.

Shadow: click on shadow color to open color chooser. Control the shadow size using the seek bar.



Template Font

Control the text style, text alignment, text color, font size and font family for text based objects.



Template Background

Click on Background and choose from the color picker to change the template background color



Template Color

Click on Color and choose from the color picker to change the selected color foreground color



Template Position

The position controls are respectively as follow:

Align the object to: left, center vertically, center horizontally, right, top, bottom

Send Backward: send the object to the back by 1 step

Bring forward: bring the object to the front by 1 step

Send to Back: send the object behind all other objects

Bring to Front: bring the object on top of all other objects

Change the left and top position of the object

Objects can be moved by dragging and droppping them to another position. Or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.


Other Controls

Template Controls

Undo, Redo: undo or redo the last action

Delete: Delete the selected object. Objects can also be deleted by pressing delete key on the keyboard

Snap to Grid: If checked, move the objects on a grid instead of freely moving them

Zoom: Put the cursor on a zone in the tempate and zoom in and out the template.



Template Objects

Click on an object to add it to the template.

Adding social media object

Social Media

  • Click on the object with facebook logo and your account text
  • Type in the account name and choose the social media type

Configure Social Media

To edit the added object details, double click on it, it will reopen the above dialog.

Social Media Preview

Adding a menu object

Template Menu Object

Scroll down in the objects list and click on one of the menu designs

Configure Menu

  • Type in the values and description
  • Click on the plus sign on the left to add more items
  • Click on delete on the right to delete an item
  • Click on Change List type to change the menu design
  • Once done click on Update

Menu Preview

  • Change the color, font, position and other controls of the added menu.


My Images

My Images template

  • Click on Upload Image to upload images from your PC, Dropbox, OneDrive or Facebook
  • Images from the aseets can be used
  • Click on an image from the list to add it to the template



Template Backgrounds

  • Choose a background category from the drop down on top
  • Click on a background to add it
  • Resize it and move it in the template to fit



Template Collections

  • Collections provide a built-in searchable image library



  • Pixabay is a third-party searchable image library



  • Choose through different categories of shapes
  • Shapes can be customized in size and color



  • Search through transparent vector images



Template Layers

  • Layers is the list of the objects added to the template
  • Drag and drop layers up and down to bring forward or send backward
  • The lock near each layer allows you to lock a layer from being modified, resized or moved
  • The eye is used to hide/show the layer


Once the template design is ready, click on Save.

The template will be processed and saved as an image.

To edit it again, click on Open Editor.